My Friends: Sammie’s First Movie


Music credit: L’amour existe LIVE Omadis by 11ème étage as found on

Mom says l’amour existe means love exists.

Raccoon photo credit:  Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

All other photo’s were taken by Mom and therefore the copyright is owned by Mom.  Which means it’s owned by me because Mom belongs to me and so does everything that belongs to her.  Even the first picture.

Pretty girl!

Mom took me to the vet.  I like the vet.  He’s a nice guy.  I didn’t see him on this trip though.  I waited!  We sat in the waiting room the same way we always do.

There is a cat waiting room on the other side of the doorway!  I like cats.  I have a lot of cats.  Yes, they are mine.  Especially Stirfry and Sushi.  But I digress.  While we were waiting at the vet, there were people with cats and Mom wouldn’t let me go visit them.

I really wanted to!

The nurse came out to get me and she weighed me.  I am down to 132 pounds!

I don’t know what this means but Mom is very proud of me.

After I got weighed, we went back to the room and 2 of the nurses came in.  Do you know what they did to me???  They CUT MY NAILS!!!

I hate getting my nails cut.  You see, I still have my back dew claws and they get very long.  It hurts when people mess with my back toesies and I don’t like it.  It took both nurses and Mom to hold me to cut my nails so she couldn’t take any pictures.  I was very mad at all three of them.

But then I got a treat so I wasn’t mad anymore.

Mom says I need a bath next to finish up my beauty routine so I can be an extra pretty girl.  That’s another CAR RIDE!!!!

I Miss the Bed

I bet you sleep in a big bed.  You have a bed, don’t you?  The kind that is WAY up high off the floor?  The kind with room for the cats to sleep underneath?  There is a bed like that in my house too!  I used to sleep in it.  I really liked sleeping in the bed and cuddling with Mom.  I can’t get up there anymore and it makes me very sad.

I’ve thought about different ways to get up there.  As they say, there is more than one way to skin a cat.  I bet you’re tall when you stand up on two legs.  Are you tall enough that you can just sit down and swing your legs up into the bed?  I could never figure out how to get on the bed the way you humans do.  You are very strange creatures.

We doggies have to jump up on things, you know.  One day it began to be very hard for me to jump up onto the bed.  I don’t know why.  My back legs just couldn’t launch me up there anymore!

*pic of very high bed from dog perspective*

For a while, I climbed up.  It was hard but I figured out how to put my front legs up and then climb up using that hidden step.  Did you know there is a hidden step on your bed?  I don’t know why they don’t make it bigger.  It’s almost completely hidden under the big cushiony thing on top the bed.

Comment from Mom:  She’s talking about the mattress!

I had to wiggle my back toes under to use that step.  And I eventually slid that big cushiony thing over and made the step bigger.  But it helped me get up there for a while.

The only trouble was, when I did manage to get the whole way up there, I had to JUMP back down.  Head first!

*picture of bed looking down*

Would you get off the bed head first?  It’s a bit scary.  It’s very high!  Landing on my front legs hurt sometimes.  I think that bed was getting higher.  I’m sure that was it.  Mom moves the furniture around sometimes.


I bet she made the bed higher.

SHE could still get in it though so maybe it just didn’t like me and made itself higher when I tried to get up.


Eventually I stopped trying to get on the bed with Mom.  She said she missed me and would come sleep on the floor with me sometimes.  She gave me a big fluffy blankie that we used on the bed so I’m comfy.  And Mom’s friend gave me my very own Rick and Morty blankie

*pic of Sammie in her blankie*

featuring Snowball (a dog who acquired the technology to talk and tried to take over the world!)

So I am warm; but I miss being on the bed.  I used to sleep on it even when Mom wasn’t home.

Mom says that if we ever GO on this diet she keeps talking about, I will be able to get up on the bed again!  I don’t know how that will work but I hope so.  Maybe they lower beds there.  I don’t know how she will bring it with us though because I don’t think it will fit in my car.  I really hope I can get back on the bed someday.

Walk? Who needs to walk when you have your own CAR?!

Mom says I need to do something called “exercise” a lot more.  She says that’s what I’m doing when we go on walks.  I do like walks.  But there’s something I like more.  My favorite thing in the world, besides food, or pets, or kisses, or chasing groundhogs, or walks, or barking, is CAR RIDES!  I’m still waiting to GO on this diet; maybe it’ll be an even more fun ride than the car but for now I love my car.  I have my own, you know.

I didn’t always.  Years ago, when I moved in with mom, she only had one car.  I still liked to GO for rides and was determined to GO anytime she went but I didn’t have my own CAR.

Once I even hopped in the trunk while she was loading the car because I didn’t want her to forget me!


Eventually I got one!  My very own CAR!  Now that I have my very own CAR, that means anytime it goes anywhere, I GO with it!  No one else is allowed to use it but me.  It is MY car.               

Mom’s car, the white one, only has two doors so mine is better!  It has more.  Mine is the four door green one. The one with the cat under it.  Why is that cat under my car?  That’s MY car.  Not the cat car.  They can’t have it.  They don’t share their food with me unless I steal it; so they can’t share my car.  Mom better not try taking that cat for a ride.  I will be very mad.

I love my car.  The seats are very soft velvet.  It has four windows that I can open and stick my head out.  Mom usually makes me sit in the back seat, but there is a part in the center of the front seat that I can push down and squeeze through up to the front seat when Mom isn’t looking.  Shhhhhh.  Please don’t tell her how I get up there!  I don’t want her to fix it.  It’s the best CAR ever, just the way it is.

Mom keeps my car someplace where I can’t see it most of the time.  I think she hides it from me on purpose.  But when I want to go for a ride, she brings it up to our front door.  I know the sound of it.  I will barrel through the door to get to my CAR.  It’s mine!  I should get to go for a ride every time I walk past my CAR.  That’s probably why Mom hides it.  She’s mean.

When she brings it up, I wait by the back door for Mom to open it.  She is my chauffeur.  That means she opens the doors for me and drives.  I need to get her a little hat for when she is chauffeuring me around.  It would serve her right if I did because she once put a hat on me while I was riding in my CAR.  It was kind of embarrassing.

When we go for rides in my CAR,we go to lots of important places.  Sometimes we go for a bath, sometimes we go to the bank for Mom, sometimes we go to the vet, but I really like it when we go to my favorite store, Muddy Paws.  This is me getting a treat at the counter.  Mom was so proud of me when I was able to stand up at the counter one day.  She said it’s because of that diet but I don’t know how that’s possible because I still never got to GO there.

Mom says I don’t get any exercise when I ride in my CAR and that I need to walk places.  I like walks, but I love riding in my CAR.