Pretty girl!

Mom took me to the vet.  I like the vet.  He’s a nice guy.  I didn’t see him on this trip though.  I waited!  We sat in the waiting room the same way we always do.

There is a cat waiting room on the other side of the doorway!  I like cats.  I have a lot of cats.  Yes, they are mine.  Especially Stirfry and Sushi.  But I digress.  While we were waiting at the vet, there were people with cats and Mom wouldn’t let me go visit them.

I really wanted to!

The nurse came out to get me and she weighed me.  I am down to 132 pounds!

I don’t know what this means but Mom is very proud of me.

After I got weighed, we went back to the room and 2 of the nurses came in.  Do you know what they did to me???  They CUT MY NAILS!!!

I hate getting my nails cut.  You see, I still have my back dew claws and they get very long.  It hurts when people mess with my back toesies and I don’t like it.  It took both nurses and Mom to hold me to cut my nails so she couldn’t take any pictures.  I was very mad at all three of them.

But then I got a treat so I wasn’t mad anymore.

Mom says I need a bath next to finish up my beauty routine so I can be an extra pretty girl.  That’s another CAR RIDE!!!!