Saturday 4/1/2017
After I upset my bowl yesterday, Mom got the hint and gave me breakfast. So I THOUGHT we were off to a good start. Alas, this was not the case. She did it AGAIN. Only two meals. I don’t know what I am going to do. Every week, I miss an entire meal! It’s awful. How would you feel if you missed a meal a week! And I don’t know why!!! It’s so sad. It’s been a very good week for walks though! We had the big run. We had the tracking day. And yesterday, we went a little farther! Mom expanded my territory! It’s great! I love walks. I get to smell so many wonderful new exciting smells! I get to munch on some yummy grass. Mom lets me. She calls it my salad. She read somewhere that horses know what grasses to choose to heal themselves and she says that dogs are just as smart as horses so I must know what I’m doing. Walks are great!
Sunday 4/2/2017
Yesterday Mom was worried about me. I was limping. My knees hurt. She cut my walks short. She says I have something called Arthur-itis. Arthur needs to stay away because now, in addition to the food Mom is withholding, I am missing out on walks. Arthur is mean. Mom says I will have to take one of my pills soon if I keep limping. She doesn’t like giving me pills. I don’t like them either, they make me feel weird…buuuttttt….I get a treat with pills! Mom says they are bad for my kidneys and that she’s afraid that since I get more apt to run amok when I can’t feel the pain, I might not know when to stop and really hurt myself overdoing it. We walked an awful lot this week. Mom thinks we might have to slow it down a bit because I’m aggravating my Arthur-itis and she doesn’t want me to get hurt. She says we will just have to go at our own pace.
Monday 4/3/2017
I am so quick! I am the fastest thing on four legs! Let me tell you why! Mom opened a new bag of cat food yesterday. She opened it on the kitchen floor because they are big bags. She has a lot of cats. So she opened this bag and she didn’t see me standing in the kitchen doorway watching her! But I was! And do you know what she did? She turned her back on it to go grab some dishes to fill! I saw this as my opportunity and I took it! I snagged some cat food right out of the bag! It was so fresh and tasty! I am such a smart girl! And fast! Did I mention fast? Mom didn’t see me coming! She yelled at me though. But it was well worth it. I got a nice bit snout-full of cat food! I LOVE cat food.
Tuesday 4/4/2017
Last night I got in real trouble. I think I did something bad. Mom was very very mad at me. I don’t know what I did wrong. She went out and I was hungry. There was no one home to feed me so I just helped myself to the garbage can. I was just trying to be helpful! She wasn’t around and I didn’t want to starve. I got the kitty litter she scooped! Cat food is almost as good going out as it is fresh out of the bag. She hides all the litter boxes from me but I got this one right out of the top of the garbage can! I ate most of it. Only got a little bit on the floor. And it was the fine stuff. I got all the big lumps. Those are the best part! She thought it was a big deal though. She pulled out the big scary noisy monster she calls a vacuum cleaner and I ran to the other room. It was very scary! I don’t know why Mom got so upset. I was just hungry. I didn’t eat any of her food. Or the cats’. They were done with it. Everybody was done with it! It was in the garbage! That’s fair game, right?
Wednesday 4/5/2017
I let Mom know yesterday how unhappy I am with the feeding arrangements. I started eating as soon as the first scoop of food hit my bowl. I was very hungry. I had mom up in the middle of the night because for some reason I had to potty really really bad. It was really yucky too. I can’t imagine why. I didn’t eat anything yucky. I had my normal food and the kitty litter out of the garbage like I told you yesterday. But that was fresh so it couldn’t have gone bad yet. But Mom noticed that I didn’t wait for her to finish filling my bowl! Maybe she will get the hint that I’m a hungry girl and feed me more. A very long time ago, I used to eat my dry food separate from my wet food but my Daddy started mixing it and Mom let him. After I found out that could happen, I wouldn’t touch my dry food unless I had a can of food mixed in! That’s how I started getting so many cans a day! Because Mom was worried I wasn’t getting enough nutrients. I wish Mom would cave now like she did back then. She really needs to give me more food.
Thursday 4/6/2017
I had NO walks yesterday! None! Mom was in bed all day and when I barked at her, all she did was take me to the back yard. We did not go out for walks at all! I don’t like it when Mom is sick! I want my walks! And my doggie massage! At least she fed me. But no walks! This is terrible!
Friday 4/7/2016
Mom was still sick again yesterday! So no walks! Well, we did go to the bottom of the hill on our street and right back up. It was better than the day before but it was not a good walk. Mom gave me an extra treat because she said she felt bad for me. She said, “don’t get used to this!” That was very mean of her. But she gave me a treat at least. She seems rather upset about no walks and about giving me an extra treat. She says my weigh-in is on the 10th. I don’t know what a weigh-in is or why I need one but she says we get to GO! And GOing is always good.