Sammie’s Diet Journal Week 5

Saturday 4/8/2017

Mom was feeling a little better yesterday.  We went for a longer walk!  And know what else?  I think she finally gave up trying to make me CATholic!  She gave me all three meals!  They are still far too small but she gave me all three!  Perhaps the famine is over.  Mom says we are GOing  to the vet on Monday.  That is good because maybe he will tell her to feed me more!  And hopefully he will yell at her because I never got to GO on a diet!  Maybe he will make her take me.


Sunday 4/9/2017

She didn’t skip a meal yesterday either!  Yay!  No more of this CATholic nonsense!  I am a DOG and I need every single one of my meals!  I am back to my normal walking distance, the grass is growing so nice and high along the way and I can munch on some as we go!  Spring is here!


Monday 4/10/2017

I made it through the weekend without skipping a meal!  The whole weekend!  I even got to steal a plate of wet cat food yesterday!  One of the kitties didn’t cooperate with Mom so she had to feed her in a place where I can reach.  As soon as Mom turned her back after that kitty was done, I grabbed that plate and licked it clean.  Mom yelled at me for it.  But it doesn’t matter.  I got it anyway!  *sticks my tongue out*  Finders keepers.  Especially when it is already in my happy tummy.  We go to the vet later this morning.  Car ride!


Tuesday 4/11/2017

Wow.  Yesterday was something else.  I went to the vet and Mom got so excited; it was unbelievable!  She was so happy.  She said it was because I lost three pounds.  I got lots and lots of pets from the vet techs too.  They think I am beautiful.  I got a booster shot too.  That was a bit yucky.  But I got lots of pets!  After that, we went for a bath.  I like baths.  Well, I don’t like the actual bath so much, though the massage from the shower is nice.  I like that they give me treats!  I got treats!  And Mom bought me a bully braid.  I pick them up out of the bin by the counter and she buys them for me.  I don’t chew them until I get home but I usually carry it to the door of the store so Mom remembers to bring it with us.  Because it’s mine.  I came home and chewed it too.  It was a wonderful day!


Wednesday 4/12/2017

I had diarrhea yesterday.  Mom said it was probably from the shot.  I don’t like shots.  My tummy was upset.  We went outside a lot.  We walked too.  But Mom let me take it slow because of my upset tummy.


Thursday 4/13/2017

We walked extra yesterday.  I was feeling better and over my diarrhea so Mom said I had to walk off all those treats from Monday.  I don’t know what she means.  I am not giving them back!  I got them fair and square because I am beautiful!  Besides, I already ate them.  So there.  But we walked a lot more!  I like walks.  I’m so glad it’s so pretty outside and we get to go more often!


Friday 4/14/2017

Mom did it again.  She skipped one of my meals yesterday.  I’m growling at her this morning to get up early and feed me.  She’s not cooperating though.  It’s not right to skip my meals!  I’m a hungry girl.  I’ve gotten her up three times already and she won’t feed me.  I think she might know how to tell time because she keeps telling me that it is too early to feed me.  But I missed a meal yesterday!  So I should be allowed to make it up today by eating earlier and eating more!  That’s just how it should be!  Gggrrrrrrrrowl!  Mommy get up!  Get up!  And FEED ME!